The rhythm method is a manner of telling which days of the month to have sex without getting pregnant. It also encompasses learning when to avoid having sex to avoid the fertile periods. The fertile period is the time the egg leaves the |ovary| and enters the fallopian tube awaiting fertilization by a sperm.
There are three rhythm methods. The first is called the calendar method. This method requires that a woman calculate the time she is ovulating, which is about two weeks before the next |menstrual cycle| begins. The second method is called the basal body temperature method. This method requires a woman take her temperature every morning. When an egg is released by the |ovary| there is a slight rise in body temperature. The third method is called the mucus method. This method asks the woman to check the quality of the mucus in the |vagina|. The normal thick and sticky mucus shows that it is safe to have intercourse. If the mucus is thin and clear, avoid intercourse to prevent |pregnancy|. One of the best ways to maintain accuracy is to keep a record of all information and update it every day. In all three cases, unprotected sex must be avoided for five days before and three days after an egg is likely to be released.
The rhythm method only works if all the steps and rules are followed. This includes having sex only on safe days. It is also recommended that a class on the rhythm method be taken before trying any of them for the first time. The classes are offered at many hospitals, clinics, and churches. Your healthcare provider will also be able to direct you to classes.
Who Can Use The Rhythm Methods:
Anyone whose personal beliefs prohibit them from using other forms of birth control or are unable to use other forms of birth control.
Who Should Not Use The Rhythm Methods:
Anyone unable to avoid sex during the unsafe days or keep accurate records. Also anyone not prepared for a possible |pregnancy|.
No cost. Anyone can do it. Accepted by most religions. Done correctly, 1-20 women out of every 100 will get pregnant in a given year using the rhythm method.
The rhythm method represents the least effective method of birth control except for no method. A normal |menstrual cycle| can be unpredictable, making accurate record keeping vitally important and making ovulation prediction difficult. Illness and medications can affect temperature and mucus changes.